Maci Wescott

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Happy Birthday to ME!

It's my birthday! This morning I woke up to see several sales had come in from my new Write Your Own Copy™ line and I immediately celebrated with my free birthday coffee from Starbucks. 


I spent much of my adulthood avoiding my own birthday celebrations. Not because I struggle with aging, but as an introvert it can be mortifying to have everyone in the room singing to you and watching you blow out candle. 


Something changed when I turned 40. I was married and had two kids and something in me wanted to celebrate…me. 


I had this fresh new set of friends (several were members of my mastermind) I'd met at mom groups and I wanted to par-tay.

Every year since, I make it a point to celebrate my birthday. My mom always makes me my favorite dessert, my grandma's homemade lemon meringue pie, delish! And, I always hit up brunch with my friends. 

Tonight, I get the special privilege of watching my oldest child in their stage debut in our school's production of Annie. I cannot wait. 


Before we head out to the show, I'll be blowing out a candle on my birthday cupcake to signal the public launch of my pre-sale for Write Your Own Copy™


Writing your own copy can feel a bit like cutting your own bangs…


  • You know in your head what you want to say and how you want your brand to be perceived, but you struggle to transfer those thoughts to a page.

  • You’re tired of relying on overused buzzwords like “Passionate,” “authentic,” “superpower,” and “secret sauce” to describe your talents and your brand.

  • You want to draw your ideal audience to your brand and sell them your offers in a way that aligns with your values.

  • You want to refine your writing skills to produce top-notch content yourself, even long after you’ve leveled up and hired a copywriter.

Really, you know the end results you want to achieve but are unsure exactly how to get there with your writing.


Like cutting your bangs - it’s intimidating as hell, and everyone will see it when you’re done! Yikes.


Ok. Put down the scissors, or Apple Pencil in this case, and take a deep breath.


Accept this:

You are your first copywriter.


Writing for your business is an essential skill, even if your goal is to hire an all-star copywriter ASAP. 


Most of us write our first websites, email sequences, and sometimes even our first sales pages. Even if you’ve already passed those milestones, editing and evolving are how we grow in business - is it time for a refresh?


Look, you’re a master of your own craft; no need to become a Pulitzer prize winner too.


You simply need resources, tools, and education developed with a laser-focus for online business owners and service providers. 


Write Your Own Copy™ templates and guides are being updated and rereleased in January of 2024. In the meantime enjoy my FREE Copywriting Primer, the foundational education to support your use of templates.

Each product comes with my V.O.I.C.E. Framework™, a method I use to ensure the copy I generate for clients will be a surefire hit. There are templates and outlines included, and also tips on how to implement your copy and check some basic metrics to ensure it's delivering the results you want. 

This special pre-sale pricing is my birthday gift - to you!