You chose the wrong one.
This story is true! ⬇️
In 2006, I applied for my dream job, which was slightly out of my reach, being a Director role and over 2,000 miles away.
During my first interview, I was told that my cover letter (over my resume) left them intrigued enough to meet me. I was ultimately offered (and accepted) the position.
Here is a snippet from the letter that got me the interview (the job posting said they were looking for “rockstar”):
There are plenty of rock stars in the world, choose your type:
Robert Plant, for example, dazzled fans with his good looks and powerful voice. John Bonham wowed people with his great natural talents.
Then, there is John Paul Jones. He doesn't get the credit that the rest of his bandmates do.
But, Led Zeppelin wouldn't be Led Zeppelin without him. He isn’t just a bass player, he also plays keyboards, cello, and even the flute opening in "Stairway to Heaven." This is the kind of rock star I am.