Is M3gan Your New Copywriter? Intro to AI [Part 4 of 4]

The rise of Artificial Intelligence started to feel all too real when Siri entered the scene (followed by her sassy, overachieving little sister, Alexa).


From there, it was a quick transition into us picturing a dystopian future where we are ruled by the very robot beings we created. 


And now, the new movie M3GAN about a robot/doll who takes the command to protect a little girl "no matter what" very literally, it feels like we’re chillingly close to the rise of the machines!

The buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for writing has been so thunderous lately that I'm writing this wearing noise-canceling headphones. 


Because AI is getting so much attention - I've had to re-write this email several times in the past month to ensure it's relevant. Ugh.


Conversations with my writing peers veer from laughter over the content we've seen produced by AI writing tools to the discussion over what this means for our careers. Btw, nobody is actually worried that AI will replace good writers.


AI is here to stay (and has been around longer than you might realize; you've been partaking in its development for years). So, from university professors trying to determine thesis originality to content creators like you and me, how can we leverage AI in our writing to be beneficial while remaining ethical?


There are three main ways professional writers use AI that can also benefit you in your content creation and marketing.


  1. Editing/Clean up

  2. Repurposing content

  3. Jumpstart the writing process/overcoming "writer's block"


Last week I shared my favorite editing tips and the AI platform I use in my first editing sweep, which usually gets me reasonably close to a finished draft.


This time I made a video to show you exactly how you can use a free platform like in your business! Click here to watch. 😉

Fun right? Even if it is a little awkward and strange. Can you see how this could be a valuable asset to your content creation? 


However--Beware the dark side! Of course it's not all digitally enhanced flowers and chocolate…


As more AI tools hit the market, it's going to become even more challenging to keep up with content creation. Ugh, seriously? Those who embrace its use will be able to churn out an otherworldly amount of content. 🙄 This will lead to a vast wasteland of mediocre or sub-par work. I have some great noise-cancelling headphones you can borrow.


As businesses vie to stay relevant, appealing, and top-of-mind with their audiences, we'll see an uptick in emails, social posts, ads, etc.


The antidote to this is staying well tuned in to your audience and ensuring your content is always created from a place of service and connection. Leaning into your uniqueness, including your point-of-view and values, will help you cut through the noise.  


What do you think about using AI for your writing? 


Do you think this is all just a bunch of baloney, or worse--cheating? 


Or are you excited to dive headfirst into this new technology and put it to work in your biz? 


I'd love to hear your thoughts; comment below and tell me what you think.


And, if you’re in a content rut, book a Content Creation Intensive with me, and we’ll map out your next several months of content and get some systems in place to ensure every piece you create is fully leveraged.


Let’s do this - HUMAN style.

Book it here.


Until next time, may the force be with you!


Put it on Your Black Card?


Edit Your Own Writing - My Tips Inside [Part 3 of 4]