I Am NOT a Graphic Designer!


Last Friday my (somewhat famous) mastermind group met via Zoom since half of us were literally snowed in, and it was the best 2 hours I've spent in my business so far this year.


And it's all because I allowed myself to declare, “I'm not a graphic designer!” 

See, since I started this version of my business in 2018 I've been creating various guides, templates, and tracking sheets to help my clients successfully implement the copy I write for them. 


I've been wanting to share these resources with you all forever, but there has been one thing holding me back… they are simple Google Docs - not prettily designed little morsels of information. Just plain old, black and white, old school Google Docs. 


I've experimented with designing these myself using Canva. Epic fail. Even when using cool Canva templates, everything I do somehow resembles clip art or is reminiscent of the opening number from Saved by the Bell. 

Prevailing Zack Morris crush aside, this look is not on brand. 


I've also worked with an extremely gifted designer before on my Calibrate workbook and I loved the results. But, when it came time to update the contents… I had to go back to the designer, which can mean waiting to get on her calendar, etc. 


I like to keep my resources updated in real time and I'm always adding to them. It's one of my brand values to continually optimize and improve. 


Finally, my Board of Directors (aka my amazing mastermind) granted me the permission I needed to go forth and share my un-beautiful, non-designed, simple but high-value resources. 


So, I'm starting today. 


Find my Tagging and Segmenting Protocol for Nurture Sequences here. 


This simple tagging system and suggested naming convention will help you set up your first funnel with ease as you welcome inbound leads to your list. 


I'll be releasing more free resources as I choose what is relevant to our conversations - so stay tuned. 

Now for the BIG NEWS. 

I'm only weeks away from releasing my very first digital product line, Write Your Own Copy™


I created this series because my clients kept buying templates online and STILL needed my help to get their copy just right. 


Write Your Own Copy™ is more than just a template where you plug nouns and adjectives into a form, Mad Libs-style, and end up with copy that sounds and looks like everyone else. 


Human-generated content is about to become the highest-valued product on the internet. Nobody wants to read your generic, form-based website, emails, or sales page. 


You are your own first copywriter, and the Write Your Own Copy™ series provides an easy-to-follow proven structure for your writing, as well as writing prompts and exercises to ensure your copy is uniquely yours, connects with your audience, and makes you easily searchable.

I'm so excited to share these products with you. They've been years in the making. You'll be introduced to my V.O.I.C.E. framework that I use to ensure the copy I produce for clients is in alignment with both their brand and their audience. You'll use this to ensure your messaging is working hard for you!

In the meantime - grab my FREE Write Your Own Copy™ Copywriting Primer here.

I think writing for your own business is single-handly the most important skill for your success in an online market. And, it's my mission to help you achieve it!


Happy Birthday to ME!


Put it on Your Black Card?