Maci Wescott

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Edit Your Own Writing - My Tips Inside [Part 3 of 4]

Good editing is a vital component of the writing process. It increases effectiveness and clarity and can significantly impact engagement.


I've Googled around a bit and have seen all kinds of editing "checklists"--some get pretty intense, but your blog/podcast/social media isn't a doctoral thesis. 

My Seven Simple Editing Tips will help you produce your best content yet.


Use this outline as a guide to draft your content and also as an editing tool to ensure your content is working for you:


  • Headline/Title

    • This is the "hook" to attract your audience

    • Make it clear and concise, with a "hook."

    • Remember to use clarity over cleverness

  • Speak to your audience

    • Anyone else who stumbles into your content is irrelevant when it comes to who you are addressing

    • Use phrasing like "you" and "your."

    • Highlight their particular needs

  • Write conversationally

    • Write how you speak, "Y'alls," and all

    • Easy transitions that flow

    • Avoid jargon or any language still unfamiliar to your audience

    • Use contractions to sound less formal

    • Tell a story

  • Stylize your writing

    • Read your work out loud

    • Use bold, italics, different fonts, or stylistic changes to emphasize important words and phrases

    • Optimize your piece for skimmers

    • Avoid large blocks of text; aim for 3-5 sentences per paragraph or section.

  • Personality Check

    • If your piece sounds dry, inject more humor

    • Add graphics, gifs, and images that support your points and make the text more interesting.

    • Ensure your work reflects your brand and voice

  • Deliver Value

    • What value are you providing in this content?

      • Solve a problem

      • Educate them about a problem

      • Demonstrate your expertise

    • Summarize the benefits of what you've shared at the end of the piece.

  • Call to Action

    • Buy, download, follow, click--what do you want them to do?

    • Be clear with a link ("Click here for...") or a button.

    • Always include a next step, even if it's just "follow me on Instagram."


You'll correct grammar and spelling errors as you edit, but you can also tackle that in a final proofread. 


To make this entire process even easier, I recommend using Grammarly. Click here to watch a walkthrough video of Grammarly and learn how you can use this free tool. 

If you want extra help with your content, here are three ways I can help you:


1) I take a limited number of Content Creation retainer clients. We'll discuss your content needs, and I will write, edit, proofread and deliver blog content, podcast scripts, or copy for a large-scale social media campaign monthly. One-month trial with a 3-month commitment after that. Starting at $950/month. Click here to book a free call to see if this is right for you. 


2) My popular Content Creation Intensive - together, we'll systemize your content creation workflow and create an action plan that includes a pipeline for conversion and brainstorm a year of solutions-based content. Book your high-value intensive here. 


3) You send me your copy (as much as you like, prioritized). We'll connect and chat briefly at the beginning of your hour, and I'll spend the rest of your time reviewing your copy and making notes for improvements. Then, I'll send you a walkthrough video of my suggestions. You implement my advice, and BAM - better copy in just one hour. Book a Copy Audit & Optimize Session here.


Now, go forth and create killer content that your audience loves and serves as a conversion pipeline!!